Monday, April 7, 2008


Dirty Dancing is on again. Apparently, the premium channels are going to play this non-stop for as long as Swayze is back in the public eye, what with his unfortunate, on-going bout with cancer. Now I could mention how lame it is that they're not playing Red Dawn or Road House around the clock, both of which are fucking badass, but I'd rather focus on something that just started to irritate me. How the hell does a movie that takes place in the 1950's have a soundtrack largely consisting of music that was recorded in the 1980's? And it's not like these songs were recorded in the 1980's to sound like they were from the 1950's. This is a film with music that is entirely out of place in the setting, marked by the climactic scene being backed by the firmly mid-80's production of "I've Had the Time of My Life". Does this bother only me?


Anonymous said...

"Nobody leaves Baby in the corner" that line would be more bad ass if Dirty Dancing were a gangster movie, and Swayze machetes Jerry Orbach to death, then has anal sex with Jenifer Grey, in a corner no less.

Anonymous said...

Then after blowing a load in Grey's face, Swayze takes a diarrhea shit in mouth of Orbach's severed head while singing I had the time of my life.

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